ReMiCt is a tool to control hardware or software MIDI instruments from browsers. ReMiCt is a Java application. It can be installed on any computer - Windows, Linux, Mac.
When ReMiCt is running, you can control MIDI instruments with a mouse in a browser. Or you can use a Wi-Fi enabled tablet or a phone with touch screen.
You can use many devices simultaneously. Share control of your instrument with bandmates.
ReMiCt converts slider values to MIDI CC messages. Read more about Control Change Messages
In addition, ReMiCt can send OSC messages.
Edit conf/controls.conf with your favorite text editor - more details below.
On Windows, double-click remict.bat to start ReMiCt. On Mac, Linux and other OSes, launch ReMiCt by typing the following on the command line: java -jar ReMiCt-20140201.jar
In your local browser, navigate to http://localhost to test that it works. You should see the index page:
Click Effects to see this set of sliders:
Click a slider or touch it (if you have touch screen) to send a new value to your MIDI instrument.
From a tablet or a mobile phone, you need to enter your computer's IP address instead of the localhost, for example:
Specify the name of the MIDI device you want to control. The default setting uses LoopBe1
For each button shown on the image page, you find a configuration entry like following: page1=Synth1
For each page, slider controls are specified as the following list - note the page number after sliders:sliders1=filter:0.3:1:95;two:0.3:1:96;..
In this list, entries are separated with semicolons ';'
Each entry must have exactly four values separated with colons ':'
Slider caption (for example filter)
Initial slider value in range from 0 to 1 with a dot used as a decimal separator (for example 0.3)